30A Real Estate Market Report

30A Real Estate Market Report

The 30A Real Estate Market Report is below represents August 23, 2015 to September 23, 2015. These numbers are broad as they are not broken down in price segments which would more clearly define the market especially when considering average days on market and cumulative days on market. In other words, clearly it would typically take much less time to sell a home in the $300,000.-$400,000. range than one in the $2,500,000.-$3,000,000. range simply because there are more buyers in the lower price range market. As you can see, 30A East is busier relating to units sold and total volume. Average and median sale prices are 56% and 59% different respectively with the East selling higher as is typically the case. As you might imagine considering the price differences of East vs. West, average difference in sales to list price is 36% in favor of the West. Average days on market is lower on the West end likely because lower priced homes sell faster than higher priced homes. This is only a one month snap shot and very broad. I’ll be breaking numbers down more specifically moving forward so you will get a better understanding of what this market is doing in particular price segments which is more indicative of your specific interests. In other words, if you are interested in a $500,000.-$600,000. home, or selling one, these averages don’t mean as much when all price segments are included in the averages. However, this broader market snapshot is a good start and decent information to have.
Property Type/Area Units Volume Average
Sale Price
Sale Price
Avg. Diff.
SP to LP
Avg. DOM Avg.
18 – 30A East 63 $69,477,445 $1,102,817 $763,800 – $66,050 233 233
17 – 30A West 27 $16,812,609 $622,689 $450,000 – $24,273 177 18

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