Rosemary Beach Real Estate Market Report July 2016

Rosemary Beach Real Estate Market Report July 2016

Rosemary Beach Real Estate Market Report

Rosemary Beach real estate market report shows some decent strength for the month of July year-over-year.
  • Absorption rate jumped 106% to 15 months vs. 7 months last July.
  • Average list price shot up 14.33% year-over-year to $2,874,351 against last July’s $2,514,050.
  • Average sale price gained 164% year-over-year to $3,105,000 vs. last year’s price of $1,174,750.
  • Median list price fell 1% year-over-year to $2,172,000 from last July’s $2,195,000.
  • Median sale price exploded by 321% to $2,900,000 from last July’s price of $687,500.
  • Average days on market is up 130% year-over-year to 187 days vs. 81 days.
  • Median days on market rose 135% to 224 days against last July’s 95 days on the market.

Market Statistics Volume

  • Sales volume rose 25% year-over-year with 5 closed sales vs. 4 last July.
  • Pending sales volume is up 50% this July with 3 against 2 last July.
  • Active listings are way up, 51% year-over-year, with 68 vs. 45.
  • New listings are down 25% with 6 this July vs. 8 last July.
Year-over-year the Rosemary Beach market is looking pretty good in regards to sale prices, closed volume, and pending sales but with active listings rising so fast it looks like inventory is becoming a bit strong and that could have a downward effect on pricing moving forward. Closed volume is also down year-to-date.


  Jul-16 Jul-15 % Chg 2016 YTD 2015 YTD % Chg
Absorption Rate 15.69 7.61 106.18 12.01 8.69 38.20
Average List Price $2,874,351 $2,514,050 14.33 $2,884,628 $2,116,122 36.32
Median List Price $2,172,000 $2,195,000 -1.05 $2,024,500 $1,674,500 20.9
Average Sale Price $3,105,000 $1,174,750 164.31 $2,584,200 $1,743,914 48.18
Median Sale Price $2,900,000 $687,500 321.82 $1,800,000 $1,375,000 30.91
Average CDOM 187 81 130.86 291 158 84.18
Median CDOM 224 95 135.79 167 117 42.74

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