Watersound Beach Market Report & Statistics June 2016

Watersound Beach Market Report & Statistics June 2016

Watersound Beach Market Report Statistics

Watersound Beach Market Report shows a scaling back on price points and an increase in inventory.

  • The absorption rate jumped year-over-year 31.37% to 10.72 months from 8.16 months in June 2015.
  •  The average list price escalated 4.85% year-over-year against last June to $2,503,069 from $2,387,261 a year ago. Average sale price dropped 3.28% to $1,708,921 from $1,766,833 last June.
  • The median list price increased 10.54% to $2,097,500 from last June’s price of $1,897,500 and the median sale price year-over-year rose a mere 1.76% to $1,667,375 against last June’s price of $1,638,500.
  • Average days on market dropped a whopping 42.34% to 128 days vs. last year’s 222 days.
  • Median days on market however rose 31.43% to 92 days vs. last June’s 92 days.

Watersound Beach Market Report Volume 

  • There were a total of 6 closed sales this June matching last June’s total of 6 closed sales.
  • Pending sales dropped by 16.7% by 1 from 6 pending last June to 5 pending this June.
  • Active listings are up 23.5% to 42 pending listings for the month of June against last June’s total of 34.
  • New listings are down 22.2% to 7 total this June vs. last June’s total new listings of 9.
It looks as though overall more active listings and a moderating of closed sales are pushing inventory up which should bode well for price mitigation and in the worst case moderate price increases that do not push price points out of balance with reasonable buyer expectation.


  Jun-16 Jun-15 % Chg 2016 YTD 2015 YTD % Chg
Absorption Rate 10.72 8.16 31.37 10.88 7.86 38.42
Average List Price $2,503,069 $2,387,261 4.85 $2,206,377 $2,073,449 6.41
Median List Price $2,097,500 $1,897,500 10.54 $1,995,000 $1,786,730 11.66
Average Sale Price $1,708,921 $1,766,833 -3.28 $1,902,153 $1,768,944 7.53
Median Sale Price $1,667,375 $1,638,500 1.76 $1,710,000 $1,706,000 0.23
Average CDOM 128 222 -42.34 79 190 -58.42
Median CDOM 92 70 31.43 45 69 -34.78

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